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There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.


I love poetry and caring, and the thoughtfulness of kind words. I love waking up each day knowing that the subtle magic of life stretches before me... and then stepping into the fresh, clear dawn, filled with gratitude for the simplicity of small moments and the loveliness of it all.

Through my work as a nature writer and visual storyteller, I share stories to help deepen our awareness and understanding of the beautiful living world and our ever-changing place in it, so that we can reimagine a way of being that is gentler and more considerate of nature and of one another. The natural world truly needs our care and nurturing, and in turn, it offers us places to escape to, where we can lose ourselves in the beauty of woodlands and wildflower meadows, city parks and gardens, just to walk, to relax, to daydream.


Having taken a course in creative design while living in London in the early 1990s, I now create my own visual materials, and this writing / design / photography combination forms the basis of my work.

As the years pass by, it feels as though my life and my internal self are continually  changing, and I recall words read so many long years ago - ‘We know what we are, but know not what we may be.’

May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.



Working for wildlife & wild places

After years of writing and searching and travelling into remote landscapes to deepen my understanding of place and connection - to self and to the wider living world I began sharing much of what I learnt through publications and thought-provoking initiatives.

My work experience is shared via the link on the left.


And in this solitude of wild places, where the song of the wind has its own meaning and the dawn robin has its own place within the unspoken way of things, one’s deeper self settles, no longer alone...


As the Wild Geese Fly

As a child, I grew up among the beautiful fynbos mountains of the Cape and have always lived on the urban edge, where nature has been my lifelong inspiration. In recent years, I have been drawn back to England and now live in the Cotswolds.

Having grown up in a home where my parents have a love for classical music, I too fill my life with music and the inspiration of poems and written words. Listening to Irina Lankova playing Schubert’s Impromptu, Seiji Ozawa conducting Beethoven's String Quartet No. 16, or Daniel Barenboim’s soulful interpretation of the Moonlight Sonata and working with Irish composer John Field’s Nocturnes playing quietly in the background is, for me, one of life’s true pleasures.  

Years ago, while busy with research for a project that I was working on, I came across a few words by French philosopher Albert Camus that said something to the effect of, ‘I like people who dream or talk to themselves interminably…they are here and elsewhere,’ and I thought, yes, this is me! And it felt comforting having these words with me, kept between pages in my journal, for surely it is in the dreaming, amid the reality of everyday life, that we connect, for a while, and perhaps more eloquently, with the true magic of life? These are my thoughts and considerations as I move through the quiet rhythm of each day...

'Anam is the Gaelic word for soul and cara is the word for friend. So anam cara in the Celtic world was the 'soul friend'.'


Anam Cara


Peace is a practice   
  not a hope

Over time, and having worked within many nature awareness programmes, I have learned that it is through our emotional bonding with the land that we develop an ethos of care and compassion for the natural world, at a time when so much of all that is wild and free is being lost, perhaps forever.


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